Soddo city is located 390 KM of south 167 KM of south west of Addis Ababa and Hawassa respectively. Astronomically the city is located 6049” N latitude and 37045’’ E longitude.
The total area of the city is about 3,200 hectares. The city is divided in to three sub city, 7 kebeles, 19 ketena and 59 villages (mender).
The city is established at the foot of mount Damot & from these mountains; its altitude descends to south directions. The highest & lowest altitude of the town range from 2,222-1,600 meters above sea level. The mean annual temperature of the town is 20c0 & the mean annual rainfall is 1,200mm.
Population size of the city
According to the data from city finance Economic Development office recently the total number of the city’s residents exceed 120,000. however the office says that the number of population is increasing in high level due to continues rural-urban migration.
To this end, the annual growth rate of the city’s population is 5.4%.
Local Economic Acti8vities
The city is located in the strategic place for the southern Ethiopia at the center and it has 6 outlets which are connect the north south east and west areas.
Via Hossana Addis Abeba,
Soddo Arbaminch Jinka,
Soddo-Jima via Waka
Soddo Gofa/Sawula,
Soddo-Hawassa via Bedessa Moroch
Soddo-Addis Abeba via Boditi shashamene.
Humbo –Dimtu-Dilla
Thus outlets makes the city one of the commercial and recreation centers for the surrounding zones and also for the region.
Furthermore it serves as an education center for the surrounding areas. The majority of the people in the town are leading their livelihood by undertaking small & medium trade. Such as hotel service, cereal marketing stores, flour mills, pastries, cloth making (Weaving &sewing) livestock products etc.
Regarding industrial activities, there are no large scale industries in Wolayita Soddo City. Some flour industries have been constructed since the last two or three years.
The existing small-scale industries such as grain mill, wood & metal workshop, block & hallow concrete production are few in number, which don’t clearly satisfy the present economic dynamism of the town.
Physical infrastructures
Electric power
The existing power supply system for the town is hydropower supply system from Gilgel Gibe & Melka Wakena HP stations
From the national Grid at Wolayita Soddo Substation since 1985 G.C. the power distribution in the town stepped up by 84 transformers & the total capacity of the power line is 15000 KVA
Soddo has got telecommunication service which is digital since 2000 G.C. By now the telephone network is divided & distributed by 15CC/cable cabinet/. Each cable cabinet has its own coverage area network map & skeletal map of primary & secondary map with general & detail map respectively. Their spatial distribution is fair & touches each part of the town & even for the expansion areas there can be a new cable cabinet can be installed & mapped. The town also gives internet services and it connect the town with other world vastly.
Road Soddo has 16.28 Km concrete asphalt road, 9.9 km gravel road, 5.6 km Coble stone road and 92 km earth road. There are about 10 transport institutaion that organize the transport arrangement in to different routes away
From Soddo town & transit transport vehicles through six outlets.
Water Supply
Watery overwhelming of population from different direction. The regional government with zone administration strongly works for the new project which is donated from World Bank in order to fulfill the supply of the city is somehow good.
But because of interest of the city water supply.
Social; Infrastructure Education according to the data from the town administration. Soddo town has fifteen kindergartens, seventeen primary & two secondary school including Wolayita Soddo University and many private and governmental colleges.
Health regarding health facility the town has two hospitals (one private and one governmental). Three health center, seventeen private clinics, six private pharmacy, eight rural drug vendors and one private.